what people are saying
“What seems to me to be one of the most important things about our movement is that we have freed painting from the tyranny of subject-matter. I am free to paint flowers and call them flowers, without having to weave a story round them. Your work I find splendid….”
— Jordi Galí
“In your work everything is forever free in the beautiful residue of memories and imagination and yet lovingly captured in your canvas.”
— Jessica Swan
“Your work has rhythm and space, a lot of it. Like it…”
— Silvia Hornig
“I find the lines provide a great sense of movement over the paler shapes that seem to fade into the background giving the piece a depth that intrigues me. It’s like visual poetry in a way.”
— Cameron White (artist)
“I find your work beautiful, it feels like a sort of Zen to me, very silent also.”
— Lotte Eijerkamp
“I just want to have them, buy them, love them, hang them”
— Patrick Sarlemein